Our Regulator - The Financial Conduct Authority
Our aim is to make financial markets work well so that consumers get a fair deal. We supervise firms to make sure they act in the best interest of consumers and the market”
Financial Conduct Authority
The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has stated clearly that it will be taking a far more proactive stance than its predecessors. Backed by far reaching regulatory powers the FCA must of course be respected, however Hyundai Capital UK does not believe it should be feared and has responded by ensuring that we can adhere to the FCA's view of the industry.

Financial Promotions Guides
The FCA’s principle of Treating Customers Fairly (TCF) has introduced extensive advertising guidelines, with a catch-all that any promotion must be clear, fair and not misleading.
Hyundai Capital UK helps dealers ensure their advertising is compliant by providing a continual commentary on the regulatory landscape and developments within the industry. Financial promotions play a key role in the FCAs overall aim of delivering an efficient and effective retail market in financial services and in helping consumers to achieve a fair deal.
A financial promotion is defined as an invitation or an inducement to engage in investment activity through all forms of communication, so whether it’s on a website, down the side of a car, or in a magazine the same rules will still apply.
Take a look at our guidance and checklist which will help you produce clear, fair and not misleading financial promotions.
Useful Links
It is recommended that you familiarise yourself with FCA content. To help you navigate quickly to further information we’ve pulled a list of useful links: